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Object 260

- radiorange nerfed from 720 to 570m

通讯距离削弱:720 to 570m

- weight increased to 70,95 tons

重量增加到70,95 t

- power-to-weight decreased from 19,57 hp/t to 16,91 hp/t

推重比降低:19,57 hp/t --- 16,91 hp/t

- gun alpha buffed from 390/390/465 to 440/440/530

均伤加强390/390/465 ---440/440/530

- gun penetration buffed from 225/265/68 to 260/340/68 (this change was announced earlier)

炮穿深加强 225/265/68 --260/340/68

- ROF buffed from 4,88 to 5,217

射速加强4,88 --5,217

- DPM increased from 1903 to 2295

单位输出增加1903 --2295

- accuracy buffed from 0,37 to 0,36

精度加强:0,37 --0,36

- aimtime buffed from 2,8s to 2,5s

瞄准时间加强 2,8s --2,5s

- elevation is now -5/+15


等级:Tier 10 HT

血量:Hitpoints: 2100

马力:Engine: 1200 hp

重量:Weight: 70,95 tons

推重比:Power-to-weight: 16,91 hp/t

极速:Maximum speed: 60 km/h

车体转速:Hull traverse: 28 deg/s

车体装甲:Hull armor: 150/150/70

炮塔装甲:Turret armor: 350/240/100

炮:Gun: 122mm BL-13-1

伤害:Damage: 440/440/530

穿深:Penetration: 260/340/68

输出:DPM: 2295

射速:ROF: 5,217

精度:Accuracy: 0,36

瞄准:Aimtime: 2,5s

炮塔转速:Turret traverse: 26 deg/s

视野:Viewrange: 400

通讯:Radiorange: 570

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